2_4_ORCS.ZIP 35,577 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Two Orcish" Scenarios (IBM). IBMPC. Single Player. Difficult Two PUDS forpeople who like to play the Orcs. PUD 1:Sneak up on the humans rear and squash them,then rescue Zuljin as he is cut off from his
supply lines. PUD 2: Some elves don't fightfair! Some have evn received help from adaemon and must be eliminated, and theirdaemon friend destroyed. Beware, I had alittle fun with the unit properties when I
ALLOUT.ZIP 8,210 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "All-out War" Scenario (IBM). Twolarge cities, all buildings, several units,greatly lowered build costs/times
ATLANT.ZIP 15,081 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Atlantis" Scenario (IBM). 1 or 2player coop. level for WC2. Hard, but veryfun! (esp. in 2 player mode.) Read enclosedtext file for further directions. Level by:Shadow & SliDe
BIGSURPR.ZIP 17,052 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "The Big Surprise" Scenario (IBM).2-Player-Map with modified armys. Orcs andHumans try to destroy each other withhi-tech-weapons.
BIGWAR.ZIP 9,020 09-13-96 Warcraft II: Custom scenario. A two player ga
BUCKEYE.ZIP 18,064 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Buckeye" Scenario (IBM). This isa human scenario for Warcraft II. Made byAndrew Garber.
BULLSEYE.ZIP 10,918 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Bullseye!" Scenario (IBM). Thismultiplayer PUD pits you against the otherswith equal positions, equal resources, equalpeople. Your kicker is the hidden friendswaiting to be found. Wait too long... and the
computer will make sure you're in the middleof a BULLSEYE! Upload by Mark Smith CIS71165,2411
CDEATH.ZIP 16,049 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Tough" Scenario (IBM). ok, you'veplayed other people's puds, now try this one,document in file
CG32V11.ZIP 439,696 11-03-96 CraftGen, a utility that randomly generates aunlimited number of scenarios for WarCraft IIUsers are given the freedom to control as mucor as little of game creation as they choose.
CRIMSON.ZIP 71,642 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Crimson Ice" Scenarios (IBM).Third group of 5 puds in the Aramond Saga,following Shattered Peace and Sweet Revenge,making a total of 21 puds, and about 60 pagesof storyline! Reccommended for use after
playing the first two groups of puds. Thecomplete Aramond saga can be found here, onGamesite, or Modemgames. Created with thehelp of Radjan, who created the puds and cameup with the idea. Package includes 5 puds,
CROSS.ZIP 12,547 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "The Crossroads" Scenario (IBM).This is a 128 x 128 map with two enemy andone passive ally. its sort of a maze to reachthe enemy base through the crossroads. Thereare also traps on the way through.
CRYPT.ZIP 22,172 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 Scenario (IBM). 1Player. 128x128Marshland Map. Here's a worthy one picked upfrom the 'net. It was created by Melissausing War2xed version 4. This is truly theland of the dead. Battle your way through
super skeletons and INVISIBLE death knights!Nicely done. "Watch out for the midgameskeleton rush." Layman
DELTA.ZIP 16,428 09-21-96 WARCRAFT II: Custom scenario. A two player ga
DOOMPUD.ZIP 15,434 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Doom" Scenario (IBM). Singleplayer or two player coop against fivecomputer opponents. The txt file gives moredetails. I would like to know if you beatthis level, especially single player. Also,
please email me any good single or double(coop) levels that you have to CServe orinternet: @themagibest.com.
EURO1914.ZIP 22,218 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Europe 1914" Scenario (IBM). Thisis it! I spent ages getting this map perfectand now I can finally release it. The placeis Europe, the time is 1914. Each playertakes control one of the six major powers -
UK, France, Russia, Turkey, Austria andGermany, while the CPU controls the neutralcountries. Then each player has to decide,using diplomacy and/or brute force where andwhen he will expand his Empire.
EXPLOD.ZIP 8,281 10-06-96 Warcraft 2 pud DONT KILL YOUR ENEMIES unlessyou can RUN!
FLEE.ZIP 12,485 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Flee" Scenario (IBM). It istotally beat-able. 1 player, 96 by 96 map.You play as the humans. It is a veryinteresting and different scenario and whenyou download this you'll see why. You begin
under heavy siege, so you have no choice toflee with your peasants to a safewell-resoured area. And begin your misson toeliminate the opposition. Plenty of resourcesin this scenario and it is a whole lot better
F_MAX.ZIP 12,711 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Fortress Maximus" Scenario (IBM).1 Player. 128x128 Winter Map. No goofy story.Just a contender for most difficult fortressto penetrate. Good Luck!- Layman
F_PORTAL.ZIP 22,870 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Forgotten Portal" Scenario (IBM).1 Player. 128x128 Winter Map. A powerful auraof energy has been detected in a distantcontinent. Your small army has been sent toinvestigate the strange phenomenon. The
treacherous sea takes many lives and when youreach the other side, you find that the landabounds with orcish acitivity. Will you getback on your ships and return home, or willyou stay and eradicate this new threat?
GONDOR.ZIP 20,451 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Gondor" Scenario (IBM). ForTolkien fans. Defend Minas Tirith with yourallies from Helm's Deep Attacks come fromIsengard, Mordor, and Harad. This pudreplaces an earlier one that had a couplebugs.
G_VS_E.ZIP 16,190 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Good Vs. Evil" Scenario (IBM).This is a advanced pud with: all heroes inWar2x, orc homelands, lightning cannontowers, and several unit changes. It is meantfor 2 player allys, but can be played w/ one
player. Note- Requires Warcraft II v1.3.Uploaded by !-Lothar-!
HLEVELS.ZIP 300,796 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Invasion!" Scenarios (IBM). Thisis a series of 10 scenarios connected with astory line which you will find in the *.docfiles. These are very challenging humanlevels. I hope you enjoy them. Please send me
e-mail if you have any comments good or bad.Stephen Ward 102733,3407
IMPOSBLE.ZIP 29,075 09-27-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Mission Impossible" Scenarios(IBM). This is your mission should you chooseto accept it. These are the two hardestmissions you will ever play on warcraft 2including: Timstuf.pud and the wicked
Hard.pud. If you really want a challenge dontplay with cheats and if you win with out thecheats e-mail me for some more levels or justto comment...
KIDNAP.ZIP 16,572 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Kidnap" Scenario (IBM). In orderto destroy the morale of the Alliance, theOrcish Horde has kidnapped Lothar. They havehidden him away on a remote island. RescueLother and bring him to the circle of power.
Please let me know if you like this. I havemore ... Matt Freitag 102404.2126
MAKEWAR.ZIP 21,224 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Let Us Make War" Scenario (IBM).Two armies at opposite corners, with amaze-like forest between them.
MULINQUI.ZIP 13,407 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Multiplayer" Scenario (IBM). Thisis the multiplayer version of INQUISITION. Ifyou haven't tried it yet, it's time todownload "INQUI2.ZIP" !
MULTPUD.ZIP 121,608 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Multiplayer" Scenarios (IBM).Here are some more maps-these are especiallymade for 2 player modem combat (at my friendssuggestions). Any comments, questions, emailme. By Thonthalius
NORMANDY.ZIP 11,506 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Normandy Invasion" Scenario(IBM). This is my version of the Normandyinvasion. It is not geographically orhistorically accurate, but it has the samepremise. I also changed the values of 2 or 3
units to show german supperiortiy in tanks(orgres) and ally sup. in planes (gryphons)
ORCDAY.ZIP 20,144 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Indepence Orc!" Scenario (IBM).Medium to difficult. Playtested by 5 of the3D Stills Team. This is a great One playergame with a rich background document. PlayGuldan as he invades the humans greatest
fortress Algar. Altered units and a greatfortress design make this one a must.Comments to Matt Allen 100530,232
PEASANT.ZIP 10,854 10-09-96 This is a Warcraft 2 .pud where you arehumans against sea-faring orcs and land-basedhumans. Uther Lightbringer has turned againstyou. You command Lothar and must defeat Uther
and his skeletons, along with defeating theorcs and destroying the Dark Portal.
PGRUNTS.ZIP 33,903 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Power Grunts" Scenario (IBM). Afunny WarCraft II-Map with modified armys.You (Humans) are proivided by Lord Lotharwith missile-archers to destroy the newsecret weapon of the Orcs: POWER-GRUNTS! The
ZIP-file contains a one-player and atwo-player-version! (details in thetxt-file!).
PON.ZIP 15,327 09-21-96 Part I of the PoN set of puds for War2
PRO.ZIP 55,805 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Peon Attack" Scenarios (IBM).Here are four puds that I made. Included arePro pud which has everything for each playerand is very hard but fun. Trapped is anotherpud in which you have a heavily fortified
fortress in the center and your units aretrapped between a wall and trees. Your onlyhope is to break through the wall and grab atransport to your fortress and finallyobliterate the orcs. There are lots of cool
PUDREAD.ZIP 125,350 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 PUD Reader Utility (IBM). Thisprogram will read PUD files and print out themap, player information, units, and resourcesavailable. This is usefull whether you are
playing PUDs or building them. The output canbe saved in a file or sent directly to aprinter.
R&D.ZIP 28,640 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Rescue & Destruction" Scenario(IBM). New Map with modified armys! Cho'Galland your workers have been captured. Find andrescue them and destroy the enemy. Beware of
the powerful knights and paladins! Enjoy itand have fun!
R-WORLD.ZIP 14,801 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "R-World" Scenario (IBM). This isa level i made and I hope you like it. Mailme if you have any comments or questions.
RAGE.ZIP 14,936 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Orce's Rage" Scenario (IBM). Inthis scenario you play as the orces. You mustcapture Lothar and destroy all humandefenses. For more information read theincluded text, Rage.txt.
RAZE.ZIP 14,895 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 Scenario (IBM). My first scenariousing the war2xed. It takes place in theorcish lands so you have to have theexpansion set. There are also a few heroes aswell. It's awesome, but hard. I tested the
scenario myself to make sure there were noflaws, and it was enjoyable. This levelshould be put on the Expansion set itself!And for those of you who have win3.1 and wantto use the war2xed, it is possible! This
RAZE2.ZIP 4,726 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 Scenario (IBM). Another scenariousing war2xed. Take Turalyons forces, withthe help of Alleria and Danath, and attackBladefists warriors. They outnumber you byjust a few, but it IS possible to take them
down. It took me several tries, but I finallysucceeded.
RAZE3.ZIP 19,265 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Raze 3" Scenario (IBM). Anotherscenario within the orcish lands. Includesheroes as well, so you need the expansionset. Enjoy!
REBELS.ZIP 14,971 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Orcs Rebels" Scenario (IBM). Youmust fight for your Orc independance. Killall computer and don't take Humans.
SAURON.ZIP 20,049 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Lord of the Rings" Scenario(IBM). Warcraft 2 map based on the lord ofthe rings trilogy... read the readme text fordetails... hope you enjoy... Hendrix.Uploaded by author
SINGPUD.ZIP 143,869 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Single Player" Scenarios (IBM).Here are several puds that i made for oneperson to play. I think they are all prettycool but thats up to you to decide. Anyquestions, comments, etc, email me. ByThonthalius
STRAIT.ZIP 19,673 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "The Strait" Scenario (IBM). Sneakthrough the heavily fortified strait andbring military aide to the isolated alliancetown before the orcs attack.
TOLBARAD.ZIP 21,599 09-22-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Islands of Tol Barad" Scenario(IBM). That's my first level for Warcraft II.I think it's hard enough and not impossible.For any suggestions and E-mails, send them to"VADER", 101603,3445! Enjoy!
TOW.ZIP 6,301 10-09-96 Warcraft 2 pud. Great computer level withmuch to pass through.
TROPHY.ZIP 24,232 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Human Trophies" Scenario (IBM). 1Player. 128x128 Wasteland Map. A violentstorm sends six riders into an alternatedimension. In this parallel universe, youmust defeat the various evil forces. Each
with their own distinct leaders, and eachholding one of your heroes captive. This pudcontains characters from both worlds. Theoriginal cast (Lothar, Gul'dan, et. al) havebeen beefed up to par. Also, most of their
TRYTHIS.ZIP 16,492 09-22-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Try this" Scenario (IBM). This isone tough WarCraft 2 Scenario! I made thisone, and even I haven't beat it yet! Youstart out with generous units & buildings,but so does everyone else! Ever seen the
Black-Colored Humans? Now you are them!
TSCOPE5.ZIP 14,357 09-22-96 WARCRAFT 2 "TerryScope 5" Scenario (IBM).This PUD has been specifically designed as atwo-player modem/null-modem level. The costof several of the units have been adjusted to
make it more interesting. Read the text filefor a few suggested "Rules Of Engagement"...A TerryScope Production. Author:Terry Bowyer
TSCOPE6.ZIP 13,063 09-22-96 WARCRAFT 2 "TerryScope 6" Scenario (IBM).This PUD has been specifically designed as atwo-player modem/null-modem level. The costof several of the units have been adjusted to
make it more interesting. Read the text filefor a few suggested "Rules Of Engagement"...A TerryScope Production. Author:Terry Bowyer
VERGA.ZIP 17,174 09-22-96 WARCRAFT 2 "The Beast" Scenario (IBM).Looking around for a good multiplayer pud,well look no further with a group of friendsgiving me tips I have constructed one of thebest multi-player puds. Feel free to write me
for any comments you have on the pud. A mustfor those multiplayer freaks like me!
WAR2X133.ZIP 345,864 10-21-96 Warcraft II 1.3 to 1.33 (US-release)
WAR2XED.ZIP 214,634 09-21-96 WARCRAFT 2 War2xEd Map Editor (Win95). Createpuds with heroes and the marshlandenvironment! This is the latest version ofthe editor: Version 5.1 It is a major changeover the previous versions. This one is full
screen and has many new features added likeExpansion AI, a search and replace function,and the ability to make invisible units. Italso includes a table which explains thedifferent AI. Created by David Lemberg. Get
WAROTF.ZIP 11,804 09-22-96 WARCRAFT 2 "War of the Future" Scenario(IBM). This pud rocks. Instead of being ablast from the past its a blast from thefuture. Every single unit has a new andimproved unit (exept for the BIRD). I like
the footmen in this level. They got a semiautomatic mini cannon. It is a 128 x 128level with 1 active ally and the rest enemies.
WC2STRAT.ZIP 106,850 09-22-96 WARCRAFT 2 Multiplayer Strategy Guide (Word).This is a good sized war2 multplayer strategyguid. It Gives help and stuff on spells, infoon all units, fighting, defending, and birddroppings from above. I would like any
XWAR.ZIP 95,213 09-22-96 WARCRAFT 2 "Triumph of the Alliance" Sc.(IBM). The final mini-campain from TheArch-Wizard Stony features modified units andspecial scenarios. These aren't mine goldbuild an army scenarios. They are: run
special operations, and protect the prisoncamps from a revolt. This 5 scenariomini-campain also features the heros from theexpansion set. Enjoy...